Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just Some Thoughts!

I finally have a few minutes to relax today! So I'm doing it with some peppermint tea, Phil Wickham on Itunes, and some blogging. I just came across this Bible verse that I wanted to share... I actually had circled it before, so it just jumped right off the page at me:

Galatians 1:10- "Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant". 

This really gets to me every time, because I struggle so much with wanting to please everyone and be liked by everyone and be everyone's friend. But its so true. I live my life to please Him, and I should not have fear of what anyone thinks about that. Obviously this verse does not mean that we are supposed to not care about others at all. Its quite the opposite. We need to constantly be reaching out to others and trying to befriend them, because we need to have love for everyone. BUT we can't be driven by having approval from others. We need to be driven by following Jesus. 

Its so easy to go through my day focusing on everything else but God... running, school, homework, friends, stress... I have a to do list that seems to go on for days. But I want to constantly be in His presence and constantly be aware of what he is doing. He lives in the present, after all, and he is always trying to talk to us. Think about how much easier stressful days would be if we stepped back and sought Him first? Sought his approval first? 

I have been trying to start my day off every day reading the Bible, and I absolutely LOVE doing that first thing. Just filling myself up with hope and making my best friend my first priority. But I realize that I need to give God my attention all the time, even when I'm in crazy busy seasons like right now!!! Especially then!

I hope that made sense to everyone else. Its just something that stuck out to me today. In the midst of all the craziness going on around me, He is in the whisper. And I don't need to worry so much about what people think of me. My fear of man shouldn't be greater than my fear of God!!! 

The end!!! :) 

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