Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The [President's] Speech

Today was a productive day!

And one of those days where you are jumping from one activity to the other so quickly that your brain doesn't have time to catch up!

First thing this morning, bright and early, I made a speech in front of 200 or so faculty, administration, and staff at my college.

I was the follow up to the legitimate college president's speech, and after the Student Leadership Team was introduced, I was free to wow the audience will my impressive speaking skills ;)

Reality is, I have no idea how I actually performed.
All I know is that I loved it. I loved every minute of it. I love speaking in front of people. And I love being able to speak on what I'm passionate about. To inspire people. To ignite something in the hearts of the listeners.

I still have a lot to learn about public speaking, but I think today was a good step for me. I wrote my first legitimate speech, and I'd say it was a success.

IMMEDIATELY after I was done, I rushed to the gym to change and caught up with my cross country team for practice. They were already halfway through a workout (my coach knew the situation beforehand and was totally okay with it, but I almost bawled my eyes out when I found out I would have to be late for practice... because, let's be honest, I'm a total overachiever.)

Anyway, I jumped right into the workout and followed it with some extra running and intense lifting to make up for the stuff I missed.

Then I worked ALL day. On projects. On the campus fair. On interviewing people. I sent emails. I helped people on my team with stuff. All while still in my sweaty practice clothes.

Classy, I know.

I'm exhausted! But I feel accomplished.
My brain is full, but I can still function.
I have a lot to do, but I'm blessed with the ability to pursue all these goals.

Tonight I am going to a dinner with the Student Leadership Team at one of the Dean's house. I brushed out my haired, drenched myself in perfume, and threw on some jeans. Hopefully no one will figure out that I haven't showered ;)

A toute a l'heure!

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