Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm Proud of Myself

I'm proud of myself. 

Because today, I went out on a run. And I had absolutely no idea how long I would go. I was just going to listen to my body (or my achilles at this point) and stop when I felt irritation.

And at nine minutes, I felt it. Oh yes, I did. 

Unfortunately, I was still about 3/4 miles from the house. So I didn't have very many options except to walk back... in the cold. I jogged a little bit, but I mostly walked. 
I didn't want to screw up my achilles in any way. 

When I got home I spent some quality time with a rolling pin that is going to become my best friend while I'm on break, seeing as I have limited access to a 
marshmallow roller (or what ever those things are called). 

And then I went to the gym to cross train. Oh, the joys of cross training. Secretly I really like it, but I feel like I'm never doing enough, so it freaks me out. 

But another reason why I'm proud of myself...? 

I have been strangely calm about this whole situation. 

Old Susanna would have been freaking out that she couldn't run and her first 10k of the season is not too far away. But I have learned so much this year, and I realize that worrying about something I can't change is wasted energy. 

I'd rather spend that energy getting better. 

And shopping with my mom. 

And going to church!

And at fun Christmas parties!!!

It's all going to be okay. And I'm not just saying that. I know it!!!

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