Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Full Swing

The last three days have quite possibly been some of the busiest of my life. I have so much to do... an overwhelming amount. In fact, I shouldn't even be blogging. I should be studying biology, or writing a paper, or trying to get more math homework done (I worked on it for four hours today), or taking advantage of some time to sleep!

Its crazy how seasons can change so quickly! I'm definitely back in the full swing of things...  just a few days ago, I was finishing up a month long Christmas break that fulfilled every expectation I could have! It was so wonderful to see family and friends, so relaxing, and much needed. 

And now, in the midst of all of this craziness, I am wondering how I am  going to get through this quarter with my head above water. With a loaded class schedule, practice and meets, guitar lessons, and a possible job on student government, it may be easy to get overwhelmed

I know, though, that the most important thing is always God. I never want to get so busy that I lose track of my priorities. I never want to go through my day so distracted by my agenda that I miss out on something He has for me. I don't want to sacrifice relationships either. Life is about loving people after all, not accomplishments. 

Overall, I am pretty positive about this new quarter. In fact, I am more than positive. God has already come through with so many answers to prayer and opened up so many doors of opportunity, and it has only been three days! 2012 may have started off rocky... I had to watch my sister say goodbye again to her deployed husband, and I found out my very wonderful friend has leukemia... In addition to these things, but much less important, I have been struggling with a few issues too. Aren't we always struggling with something? I watch my sister face her trial with such grace, and I have never seen so much joy and faith as there was on my friend's face when I visited her at the hospital. 

No matter all of these things, I have so much faith for this year. Like my older sister told me, it doesn't matter how 2012 began, because the first couple of days do not determine the whole year! 

Its just the beginning. 

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