This week is a whirlwind, but not the kind of whirlwind that destroys everything in its path...
A good kind of whirlwind, depending on one's perspective.
A whirlwind of new adventures, growing responsibilities, possible opportunities, and a lot of running.
For me, this has meant a few sleepless nights, trying to process all of the things I have to do and grasp the new season I have come upon. And I don't mean sleepless nights where I can't fall asleep. I mean those nights where, even when I am asleep, I am dreaming about what goes on during the day and continuing to process information or make to-do lists in my mind.
This passed weekend I was blessed to be able to immerse myself in playtime. Little things like shopping at Cost-Co with my mom and getting ready in the morning with my little sister were so nice.
I got to meet my highschool cross country coach for coffee,
and he gave me so much encouragement and good advice.
I went to a wedding. And those are always the best.
I vegged out and watched tv with my parents.
I watched the most ridiculous redbox movie ever with some friends.
I went out to breakfast after church on Sunday with a bunch of lovely people, and I was paid for!
What a blessing!
I didn't have time to be on my computer.
I just played and relaxed and cut loose.
And then came yesterday. The first day of practice.
That was a whirlwind. One of meeting new people, filling out paperwork, and scoping out what the team will look like this year. I will say that it is MUCH more fun being a veteran on the team. Everyone comes to you to ask you questions. You get to lead stretches.
I remember what it was like to be new to the team,
and I want to make everyone feel as welcomed and included as possible.
We got gatorade waterbottles. Feeling like a pro.
Then I went to work. I had no change of clothes or way to shower (what was I thinking?) so I sat in the government office all day in my sweat.
Another practice at 6 p.m., though,
would have made showering pointless anyway (I don't like showers).
The practice was followed by a team dinner, and a lot of bonding and getting to know you took place. Needless to say, I got home late.
And got up this morning to drive back for another 8 a.m. practice.
A whirlwind, this time, of anxiousness....
Today was a tempo time trial.
And as much as I don't want to compare myself to other girls on my team... as much as I don't want to fall into that trap.... and as much as I just want to run for me, it's hard for any athlete.
So I prayed this morning on the way. I prayed that I would remember why I run. Not to be the best. It doesn't really matter if I am. Yes, I'm competitive. But the thing is, EVERYTHING I have comes from God. He gave me the talent, and I have worked hard, trying to put any talent I have to good use.
He gave me the DESIRE,
and he takes so much delight in watching me participate in something I like.
If someone else is more talented than I, so what???
I don't run to prove myself to people.
I run for me. Because I like it. And that is praise.
Let all that I am praise Him!!!!
So now I'm at work again, in my sweaty clothes (again!), and I'll work until team bonding bowling tonight.
The student leadership team retreat is this weekend, and I planned it and will be helping lead it as the incoming President. I also found out I have to make an eight minute speech to the administration, faculty, and staff in a couple weeks. So instead of writing this blog, I should be writing that.
Whirlwinds don't necessarily destroy everything in their path. If you stay firmly planted, you won't get lost in the mess of everything. And as busy and stressful and new and exciting everything is right now, I'm going to remain at peace, in the eye of the storm, resting in His love.