Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Unripe Fruit

Have you ever bitten into a strawberry (or any kind of fruit for that matter) 
that wasn't quite ripe yet? 

I LOVE strawberries, 
and I am ecstatic about them almost being in season again.

But there is nothing worse than buying strawberries 
and having to wait to eat them! 

There have been quite a few times that I lacked patience, and, instead of waiting until my strawberries were perfectly ripe, I ate them as they were - 
a little green and everything. 

And you know what? They tasted terrible. Not nearly as good as normal strawberries. In fact, I didn't like them very much at all. 


Lately, I have sort of felt like a failure. 
I'm not looking for sympathy - or even being down on myself - 
I'm just making a point. 

I have worked really hard this year at a lot of things, and I have always been of the mentality that "you reap what you sew".  So, naturally, I have expected that my hard work would lead to success. 

This has not always been the case, however. I have been sewing and sewing and sewing in various areas of my life, and I have yet to reap the benefits I desired. 

I have been working hard, 
and that hard work has not quite come to fruition yet.... 

As a result, I found myself asking God the other day "What is the point of all my hard work if it's not bearing any fruit? 
Why am I investing myself into all these things to no avail?" 

I feel like God wants me to pour into all the relationships he has placed in my life and work hard at all of the tasks I have been given (track, school, government), but it is sometimes discouraging when I don't see any fruit. 

But I came across this verse this morning when I was reading the Bible. 

Isaiah 49:4 

I replied "But my work seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose. Yet I leave it all in the Lord's hand; I will trust God for my reward."

Here, Isaiah was struggling with the exact thing I have been struggling with.

 But he clearly recognized that, despite the evidence,
 he was to trust God and God alone for his reward.


I have to do the same thing. 

Instead of biting into fruit that is unripe
I need to be patient and trust God to bear fruit in my life. 

After all, it is not in my own strength that I accomplish anything - 
it is through his strength (Philippians 4:13). 

I'm sure those strawberries will taste a whole lot better 
if I wait for them to ripen!!!

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