I am so upset to say that I missed almost all of the women's and men's gymnastic Olympics this year....
It's saved on my DVR back home, but since I am on campus an hour away and working all day long, I missed it.
And I couldn't help but look up the results.
And I could not be happier!!! The USA's first gold medal since 1986!?!?!?
I CANNOT wait to go back and watch the actual competition.
Some highlights will keep me occupied until then. This one is perfect. I can only imagine how nervous my parents would be if I were competing at the Olympic level. (Maybe one day...) They pour so much in to me and are so supportive.
WATCH THIS!!!!! :)
I do feel bad for Jordan, but this makes me so happy for Aly!!!
And how adorable is Gabby Douglas? I know a girl who looks so much like her.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
A Lovely Monday Morning
I am writing this to let everyone know that for the next two weeks I will most likely be describing everything as "lovely" and saying "that's brilliant" every other sentence.
And I'm going to start calling cupcakes "fairy cakes" and the backyard a "garden". British jargon. I honestly think its lovely. I actually think it sounds just as beautiful as the French language sounds. After the time I spent in London I made a huge effort to adopt the words they use in England for awhile. And then I came back to America, and I started describing things as "cool" again. I think it's time to try again!
Plus, I need to practice for marrying a British guy one day and moving to London.
That being said, when it comes to the Olympics (I told you that's all I would talk about/think about from now on) I will never cheer on another team than my own country. Even if it is my beloved England. I have been walking around with an American flag in my pocket chanting U.S.A. everywhere I go for the last three days!
We have a friend from Paris staying at our house this week, and watching the Olympic swimming with her got rather intense when I quickly realized that she is equally as competitive as I am!
What are your guys' favorite events to watch?
I love the gymnastics! And track, of course. But it is all incredible.
What do you think about Michael Phelps getting beat?
I think Ryan Lochte is way cute, personally...
How cool is it that America sent more female athletes this year than male athletes? First time in Olympic history. AND three countries are sending a female athlete for the first time this year!!!!
It's Monday, which means the work week, which means I have much less time to watch the games. But know that I will be periodically be checking live results online. On that note, I really should get back to work. Office jobs allow for so many distractions!!! Yikes.
Have a lovely monday :)
And I'm going to start calling cupcakes "fairy cakes" and the backyard a "garden". British jargon. I honestly think its lovely. I actually think it sounds just as beautiful as the French language sounds. After the time I spent in London I made a huge effort to adopt the words they use in England for awhile. And then I came back to America, and I started describing things as "cool" again. I think it's time to try again!
Plus, I need to practice for marrying a British guy one day and moving to London.
That being said, when it comes to the Olympics (I told you that's all I would talk about/think about from now on) I will never cheer on another team than my own country. Even if it is my beloved England. I have been walking around with an American flag in my pocket chanting U.S.A. everywhere I go for the last three days!
We have a friend from Paris staying at our house this week, and watching the Olympic swimming with her got rather intense when I quickly realized that she is equally as competitive as I am!
What are your guys' favorite events to watch?
I love the gymnastics! And track, of course. But it is all incredible.
What do you think about Michael Phelps getting beat?
I think Ryan Lochte is way cute, personally...
How cool is it that America sent more female athletes this year than male athletes? First time in Olympic history. AND three countries are sending a female athlete for the first time this year!!!!
It's Monday, which means the work week, which means I have much less time to watch the games. But know that I will be periodically be checking live results online. On that note, I really should get back to work. Office jobs allow for so many distractions!!! Yikes.
Have a lovely monday :)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The World's Most All Over The Place Post
I really wish that I could be more consistent with blogging.
Or that my posts each had a theme, with the thoughts tying together.
But blogging has been kind of an after thought lately.
I love it, and I want to keep doing it as often as possible.
There are so many times throughout each week that I think "I have to blog about that" or
"Wouldn't the whole blog world be excited to hear about how great this day was!!!??"(Maybe not though, because I always get excited about really little things that no one else cares about.)
But life has been so busy lately!
During the week, I do nothing but work and train. I get up early, run, lift, go to work, go back to my dorm room, eat dinner, and go to bed early so I can do it all over again.
During the weekends I catch up on errands (grocery shopping, doctors/dentists appointments), and I PLAY. And I play hard:
Going to Generation Church Downtown Thursday night and getting rocked by Jesus with a whole bunch of awesome Boise State kids.
Fanci Freeze ice cream (a dipped cone for me... chocolate and coconut!) to follow.
And Merrits (an all night diner) with about thirty GDCers.
And family coming in to town.
And getting up after four hours of sleep and running for two hours.
And family breakfasts.
And volunteering at the Ronald McDonald house.
And watching car races at a speedway (new experiences, anyone?)
And going to opening ceremony parties!!! Let's go America!
This hasn't left very much time for blogging. But I wanted to say a few things today. Because some really important things have happened this last week!!!
1. Anthony, my brother in law, got home from Afghanistan on Friday. We met him at the airport - he met his son for the first time.
2. The Olympics started. I am obsessed with the olympics and that is all I will think about/talk about for the next two weeks. And I'm also obsessed with London (In case you didn't read this blog from the beginning, I talk all about my obsession here) so I am on cloud nine right now. I will be British one day. I love tea and the queen. It's perfect.
3. I hired a Sport's Nutritionist. With all of the running I'm doing, I really feel like it's necessary right now to get some help in that department. I know all about eating healthy and stuff, but I need to know what to eat to perform well. And I want to perform well. So I'm taking this step. It's a pretty big step. I'll write more about it later. But I will say that I think it might be exactly what I need to get me to the Olympics in the marathon one day :)
4. My brother's wedding is in less than a week! It is going to be a huge weekend event because it is two hours away... I'm so excited!!!
How cute are they???
I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday, but I'll try to pop in more this week. I have had so many thoughts lately, and I just have to figure out how to put them into words!!!
Have a great rest of the day bloggers!!!
Summer Days
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I miss when life used to be simple.....
Doesn't everyone?
I am still chasing dreams like butterflies.
I am still cloud-watching
Deep down, I know that life is full of promise.
I know that there is hope.
I want simple beauty. I want hope.
I will fight for it.
Doesn't everyone?
....when I was a little girl, and the world was bright and big and beautiful and full of opportunity.
I still see the world that way. I still want to see the world that way.
Deep down, I am still a little girl,
spinning around in a sundress in the middle of a field.
I am still chasing dreams like butterflies.
I am still cloud-watching
and daydreaming about what amazing gifts the future holds for me
and trying to grasp the secrets of the past.
Deep down, I know that life is full of promise.
I know that there is hope.
Sometimes, however, it is incredibly easy to become buried in a seemingly hopeless situation.
I feel like complication has snuck up on me, and I don't welcome it.
I want simple beauty. I want hope.
I will fight for it.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
A Thought for Thursday
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
1 Timothy 1:7
For someone who thinks and worries a lot, this is one of the most encouraging Bible verses ever. For anyone actually. Do me a favor and really think about this verse.
Don't just read it, think "that's nice", and forget.
Meditate on this verse today!!! Get it in your heart.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Reasons to Smile!!!
After returning from a wonderful week-long vacation, going back to work Tuesday morning was terribly unexciting.
Thankfully, my little sister gave me a mixed worship CD to listen to on my hour long commute back to college land. Blasting worship music and singing along is the best way to begin the work week and the day! Try it and see what I mean!!!
It's only Wednesday, and this week has already come with quite a few little challenges. Such is life, though. There are little battles every day. And you know what? That's okay!!! We are not perfect, but God is our source. And he has given us victory!!!
Plus, I have so many reasons to smile this week that the worries of life fade!!!
1. My brother in law, Anthony, is finally home from his tour in Afghanistan and on American soil!!!!! None of use, including my sister or their little adopted baby, will be reunited with him for a few weeks, but he is still home safe and sound :) He is such a hero!!!!
2. My friend Lyndsay, who was diagnosed with Leukemia about six months ago, was informed that they have found a 10 in 10 match bone marrow donor for her!!!! God is totally healing that girl.
3. My new nephew (my sister's adopted baby), already weighs 7 1/2 pounds!! Considering that his due date isn't even for a few days, I'd say that he is looking pretty healthy!
His life has been pretty hard so far, and even he is smiling!!!
4. I ran the longest run of my life this last Saturday (two straight hours!!!), and I still can't help but feel accomplished. Two slow hours through the beautiful tree lined back roads of my home town. It was lovely. I was sore. So worth it!!!
5. Starbucks Via Instant Coffee. So good. Enough said.
6. What were the Boise State football players doing yesterday morning, BSU fans ask? Well, 35 of them were at a Bible study that my youth pastor puts on. 35!!!! How cool is that!?
7. I figured out where I'm going to live next year: a girl's house/dorm that is run by a nice couple and is unassociated with the college. Kind of like a sorority (but with rules!!!). It's right by campus, and I think it's totally my style. I'm so excited!!!
So those are some pretty good reasons to smile, I'd say :)
If you are having an off day/week, I encourage you to make a list of some things that make you smile!!!
Positive thinking= a positive life!!!!
What's a reason you have to smile today? Leave me a comment!!! I'd love to be even happier :)
What's a reason you have to smile today? Leave me a comment!!! I'd love to be even happier :)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
National Ice Cream Day!!!
Today may be my new favorite day of the whole year.
Why, you ask?
Ice cream.
National Ice Cream Day, to be exact!!!
That's right, it's today :) I was pleasantly surprised to find that out just now, and of course I had to let the world know immediately!!!!
Ice cream is by far my favorite food.
Here's a little google history for you all!!!
"In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day. He recognized ice cream as a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by a full 90 percent of the nation's population. In the proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with 'appropriate ceremonies and activities.'"
My favorite ice cream flavors lately have been maple, salted carmel, icing on the cake (Baskin Robbins), and anything toffee, peanut butter, peppermint, or chocolate.
Apparently I have a lot of favorites actually :)
Puts a smile on my face :)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Priest River Post Card!!!
Welcome to Priest River, Idaho!!!
A cute little town that people pass through on the way to Priest Lake for camping!
Population: small
Things to do: Not many.
(Except lay out in the water and relax, go boating, and eat ice cream. PERFECT for vacation)
I got to spend catching up with old friends in Spokane!!!
Spokane is THE coolest city.
We went out to sushi, shopped around, and hit up an adorable cupcake shop!!!!
And going on lovely walks with my Grandma :)
And eating breakfast on the front porch!!
And eating THE BEST ice cream in the world
(A cherry dipped cone from Dubs = the best, cheapest ice cream ever).
Eaten while strolling on Sandpoint Beach.
And hanging out at my old stomping grounds......
And hiking!!!!
I only have a couple days left here and I'm doing my best to slow down and relax. The pace here is so much slower, and life is so much more peaceful!!! Tomorrow I'll be going to my old church, and it will be fun to see how much it has changed. I moved away from here five years ago this month!!!!
Loving vacation life :)
Summer Days,
Sunday, July 8, 2012
One Hundred Random Thoughts
You guys.
This is my 100th post!!!
That is a big deal.
No, not a "It's our two week anniversary, babe. Why didn't you remember?" kind of big deal...
But more of a milestone kind of big deal.
I wish I had something beyond exciting to share with the world on this epic occasion, but to be honest, I did not know this was going to be my hundredth post until about... five seconds ago. So instead, I'm going to just share one hundred random thoughts.
Don't go away! I promise that there are some valuable thoughts in this post, even if a few of them are just about chocolate chips.
1. We picked up this bad boy from Cost-Co on Friday. There is no better snack in the world than a handful of chocolate chips. Probably only about half of this will actually go into baking.
2. Do you remember Laguna Beach? I thought I did. But a Laguna Beach Netflix Marathon on Friday night proved me wrong. I had no idea what bad quality that show actually was.
Luckily we enjoy making fun of bad television and we had tons of Nutella and graham crackers to keep us happy!
3. I tackled a moderately long run on Saturday morning (1 hr. and 40 min), and I really felt like I wanted to keep going. I was tired, yes. And I was definitely sunburnt (Need to buy sunscreen!!!). But I like running longer distances way better these days.
When I got back, I felt so accomplished. Three bowls of cereal and a shower later, though, the soreness finally started to kick in! Do anyone else's hips hurt really bad after long runs?
Oh well, it's all part of the sport!
4. The last few days have been somewhat challenging, and I found myself feeling frustrated with the fact that I still struggle with little problems, even though I am whole heartedly pursuing God. I thought "Why can't I just get my act together already?"
Today I realized, though, that instead of being embarrassed about my weaknesses or feeling vulnerable after I talk to someone about them, in my weakness He is made strong!!!!
2nd Corinthians 12:9-10. Go read it. I even linked it so it would be easy for you :)
5. The last few days have been equally as amazing as they were challenging! And I am beyond excited to leave for vacation to this beautiful place tomorrow!
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Picture courtesy of my sister Liberty :) |
And I get to see my sweet grandma!!!
And this girl!!!
So apparently I just had five random thoughts!
I like to exaggerate :)
Have a lovely rest of your day!!!
I'll be checking in while I'm on vacation from time to time, but mostly I will just be laying out by the river. Life is good.
Feels Like Sunday Morning!
Good morning world :)
I just wanted to say a quick hello!
I rolled out of bed this morning, put in my headphones, and headed out on the most lovely run ever (despite how sore I was from yesterday's long run). Listening to message podcasts when I run and getting filled up with the Bible first thing in the morning is so nice!
Now I'm back, enjoying an amazing breakfast, and getting ready to head to church here in a bit!!!
I'll check back in later, but for now I just want to remind you guys that His mercies are fresh every morning!!! So go embrace the day with no shame, no fear. Life is beautiful :)
“Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow (today) is a new day, with no mistakes in it yet?” ~Anne of Green Gables
Life's Sweet,
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Focusing On Failures
I will have a longer blog post up later today or tomorrow, but for now I just want to link to Christine Caine's blog from today. It was so encouraging, and I'm so thankful God used it to bring me some peace from in the midst of all the crazy thoughts in my head right now!!!
This is exactly what I needed to hear (read this morning).
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th!!!
Today Began with a 50 minute run, at six a.m.!
You better believe I was patriotic :)
Then annual 4th of July breakfast festivities began :)
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My little sister is so much fun! I love hanging out with her!!!
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Some lovely girls....
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My uncle cooking up some Bacon (YES)
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Love my cousins!!!
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The best thing about today: Holding my baby nephew for the first time!!!!
break before heading to a couple of barbecues tonight. I'm not sure what the rest of the evening will look like, but you better believe it will include fireworks :)
Have a good fourth everyone!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
It's Tuesday, and Ten Reasons to Be Happy!
1. The weather has been so hot (and beautiful) lately!!! I seriously love the heat, so this is a happy point for me! I even don't mind running in the hot weather! My body just feels better!
2. One week from today I will be on vacation
in beautiful Northern Idaho.
in beautiful Northern Idaho.
I grew up there, and it has been awhile since I have been back. I miss it. Especially in the summer time.
I will be seeing my grandma and some old friends.
And laying out by the river everyday!!!
And getting the best cherry chocolate dipped ice cream cone from
the best ice cream place in the world!!! (DUBS).
3. Tomorrow is America's birthday! And the best holiday (in my opinion). It will begin with an early morning run (I'll be wearing bright blue spandex and a red T-shirt, definitely) followed by my family's tradition breakfast in the park!! So fun!
4. I just got this shirt, and I wore it all day! It says "I love church" if you cannot tell!
It makes me really happy :)
It makes me really happy :)
Don't be jealous of how beautiful I am in this picture. I can't help it.
5. I have some really amazing friends.
6. I don't have to work tomorrow like I did last year on the 4th! Because now I have a cool office job instead of working the drive-thru at the world's fastest sandwich shop... Jimmy John's if you were wondering. It was an okay job, but I always smelled like bread.
Which I suppose isn't the worst smell in the world :)
7. God is so good and so in love with us! :)
8. I just made chocolate chip muffins for breakfast tomorrow! I have been so domestic lately. Hard to believe I really don't like cooking all that much. Just baking, so I can eat the batter :)
9. The sunset outside my kitchen window is so lovely.
I just can't get over how beautiful life is sometimes.
10. My sister brought her adopted baby boy home from the hospital tonight... FINALLY!!! He was born seven weeks premature, so he has been in NICU, and she has been living at the Ronald McDonald House to be with him. But he is finally healthy enough to be home!!!!
What a stud. I know I'll be his favorite aunt, because I am going to buy him everything he wants and tell him how cute he is every day. I'm so in love with this kid!!! Baby Benton :)
I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July! Happy Birthday America!!
Life's Sweet,
Summer Days,
Dorm Room Cooking
Living in the dorms last year, I always found myself rolling out of bed and rushing out the door in time to make it to class in the mornings.
Microwave for one minute, smother in peanut butter, and enjoy :)
With limited time and not really having any way to cook, easy breakfasts like oatmeal, hardboiled eggs, and fruit became staples. Sure, there are other easy foods, like pop tarts, but while I love them, it's not exactly good for an athlete to start off every day with a glorified cookie. They are soooo good, but hardly good for you!!
These foods got kind of boring after awhile, and since I am living in the dorms a few days a week over the summer while I work, I have been searching for some alternatives to my college life breakfast routine.
Enter the flax seed muffin!!!
It only takes one minute.
You cook it in a mug... in the microwave!
It's healthy for you!
It tastes good!
In a mug, mix together:
1/4 cup ground flax seeds
1 egg
1 tsp coconut oil (or butter)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp cocoa (or cinnamon, or both!)
Sweetener such as like honey, sugar, agave, maple syrup, vanilla.... to taste (if you are picky, add more sweetener!!)
Any add-ins you want (berries, coconut, nuts, chocolate chips...)
Microwave for one minute, smother in peanut butter, and enjoy :)
I won't do a lot of recipe posts because I'm not really much of a cook, but I thought this may be helpful to any college students or rushed-for-time folks out there.
Be adventurous! Try it!!!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Being "Irresponsible"
Hello, July! :)
I must admit, July has completely snuck up on me.
I only finished two weeks ago, and its only just now starting to feel like summer!
But nevertheless, July has arrived, and it has brought beautiful weather with it!
I am happy to say that the last week of June was one of the best weeks
that I have had in a long time!
I have caught up with friends, gone to amazing church services
(I love being back at my home church!!).
eaten copious amounts of frozen yogurt,
bonded with my little sister,
done art projects,
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Decorated my shelf!!! |
spent money on unnecessary purchases (Starbucks)...
stayed out way too late,
gotten hardly any sleep,
and all while having to get up early and run before work!!!!
The responsible girl inside of me tries so hard to drink enough water, eat healthy, get enough sleep, be frugal with money.
She tries to be home by midnight so she can force herself
out of bed in the morning for her runs.
She stresses and worries about being good enough at everything that she does.
And she always does what she should do, not necessarily what she wants to do.
None of this is necessarily bad. Sometimes,
you have to make sacrifices and be responsible to succeed.
That being said...
I am twenty years old!!!!!
Sometimes, I just need to let a little loose.
Stay out way too late. Spend money to go to the movies with friends,
even when I'm trying to save.
Be spontaneous.
Be "Irresponsible".
I have been doing a lot of that this week.
So I haven't slept hardly at all.
I still got my runs in. I still made it to work. And the extra money I spent won't kill me.
Like I have said before, it's all about balance. Moderation in all things.
I am so grateful for this last week,
and I am so excited to see what the rest of the summer has in store for me :)
Frozen Yogurt,
Life's Sweet,
Summer Days
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