Sunday, September 21, 2014


Numbers from this week:

2,000 + words written
1000 + miles traveled
200 pages read
60 miles run
54 hours of sleep
12 cups of coffee
8 xc practices
3 loads of laundry (dirty running clothes for days)
1 cross country race

After a whirlwind two-day trip to Spokane for a cross-country race and hours spent toiling over Aristotle, I’m officially exhausted.
It has been a great weekend for sure, 
but I'm still processing everything. 
Exactly what happened during that second mile that
made me lose my strong mindset? 
Why did I feel so much less confident than my race the week before? 
How am I supposed to be a leader on my team if I can’t push past the mental barriers that have been plaguing me for my entire college career? 
How did these last four years go so quickly…
and how is it that I’m already a senior

And what exactly does Aristotle think about the 
teleological explanations of human existence anyway?

My mind is full.
Which means I should probably just go to bed and rest before morning practice. 
But a quick note about this weekend. 

My grandmother, who is the absolute most incredible human I know, came to watch me race. She has come to this course to watch me for the last four seasons, and each year we have gotten a picture. I cannot express how grateful I am to have such an amazing support in my life. 

Two different jerseys and three years passed. 

On that note, it's time to get ready for another week. 

“On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.”

- Le Petit Prince 

Bonne nuit!!! 

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