Saturday, April 21, 2012


For your viewing pleasure....
Eighth grade, church formal. I was just a little baby!

Friday, April 20, 2012


Life is wonderful, you know. And I'm really learning to embrace the little things. 
To indulge throughout my day in life's simple pleasures. 
It's amazing how a little thing like iced coffee can bring so much happiness to a morning. 

I ate a whole lot of dark chocolate today. 
 I went on the loveliest bike-ride.

 I saw a butterfly. There were birds singing everywhere. And lady bugs.
 I painted my nails bright blue. 

I spread a blanket out in the grass and soaked up the spring sun. I cloud watched, too.
 I got the first sunburn of the year. 
And I'm sleeping with the window open to let the spring (but almost summer) air in. 

Even writing a five page paper was fun for me today. 
Because I listened to great music and sipped tea while I did it. 

Things aren't perfect, no. Battling an injury, trying to stay in shape, and having to watch everyone else compete while sitting on the sidelines mid season is somewhat discouraging. Facing tons of homework, being so busy I want to pull my hair out sometimes, 
and just making it through the ups and downs of our days.... things can be hard, its true. 

But you know what? I am just so glad that God made the sky blue. It is the absolute best color.
 And even though life isn't perfect, it is such a gift. And I'm just in a state of pure bliss. 

Thanks, pinterest, for all of the lovely photos :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just Really Fast!!!

Okay guys, I know its been FOREVER since I have blogged. 
I have not stopped journaling. I have not run out of things to say. I just have been filling up my time with other things, like Spring Break things, and starting a new quarter things. Like making big decisions... life changing decisions... kinds of things. 

I'll begin by saying that Spring Break lived up to all my expectations. At first I was bummed about not going to some exotic location, but it was ultimately way better to be in Boise with my family and friends. 
I did tons of fun things, like go to a dessert party. And see The Hunger Games!!! (obsessed, like everyone else)... and go to GC Downtown! We got a new building, so now three hundred hungry-for-God college students don't have to cram in a tiny basement for church! The new building is going to make it so that so many more people can come! I love my church :) I miss it all the time. 

I went to Cafe de Paris with my sisters... we pretended we were in France together :)

And we got smoothies :) 

And some other cool things that happened.... my parents bought a house! And my sister is adopting a little baby boy!!! So I'm going to be an aunt!!! :)

So basically Spring Break was a success. It was a little annoying to come back to school, but Spring term is going to be amazing. You want to know why? Everything is better when its sunny. The springtime saves my life every year. And I'm already feeling a wave of optimism coming on!

I love Boise. I love how beautiful downtown is. The Co-Op. All the trendy coffee places. Even BSU. But I think I need to stay in Ontario another year. That's part of what I have been deciding lately. 

Tomorrow I head out of town with my track team for a huuuugggeeee meet. 80 teams total. I'm running the 5k and super excited; this is my thing. Some nagging injuries have been a problem for me lately, so I hope nothing comes up!